
Indian bullfrog

Indian bullfrog

Hoplobatrachus tigerinus the Indus Valley bullfrog or Indian bullfrog popular name Asian bullfrog, Asean bullfrog or Asia bullfrog, is a large species of frog found in Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nepal.Vomerine teeth in two strong oblique series commencing from the inner anterior angle of the choanae; lower jaw with two not very prominent bony processes in front. Head moderate; Snout more or less pointed; canthus rostralis obtuse; nostril a little nearer to the end of the mouth than to the eye; interorbital space narrower than the upper eyelid; tympanum distinct, about two thirds the size of the eye. Fingers rather short, first extending beyond second; toes moderate, obtuse, nearly entirely webbed ; a much developed membranaceous fringe along the fifth toe; sub-articular tubercles moderate; inner metatarsal tubercle very variable, small and blunt, nearly as long as the inner toe, strongly compressed, crescent shaped, shovel-shaped; no outer tubercle, a tarsal fold. Tibio-tarsal articulation reaching the ear, the eye, or a little beyond.
