
Sight Hounds (Run)


Sight Hound  (Run)

Information about Sight Hounds characteristics Sighthounds have distinctive characteristics, features and traits which are perfect for their purpose. Sighthounds have extremely good vision. They also have a long jaw and lengthy neck which assists them in sighting their quarry. Their lean muscular body, deep chest and long powerful legs essential assets when following any fast and agile prey. Sighthounds are elegant dogs - long, lean and almost regal in their general looks, many were owned by Pharaohs, Emperors and Royalty Sighthounds have distinctive feet with elongated middle toes that make the foot appear longer and helps with their firm footing. Their long stride, powerful chest and lungs and agile bodies make it possible for sight hounds to chase and kill their quarry. Information about Sight Hounds and Hunting As implied by its name the Sighthound has been bred to chase a quarry predominantly by sight but it can also use its sense of smell, or even its hearing. Sighthounds, also referred to as Gazehounds have exceptional eyesight, combined with the speed and stamina necessary to catch the intended prey once seen, typical examples being the Greyhound and the Whippet.
